Valuation services | DELOVOY PROFIL Group | Appraisals services
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The RAEX analytical agency has presented the results of «The largest Russian appraisal organizations» ranking. The Group was noted among the best ones in key areas of valuation.
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Valuation services

Valuation services

The knowledge base, many years of practice and deep industry expertise allow the experts of DELOVOY PROFIL Group to carry out comprehensive valuation projects and determine the cost of objects of any complexity at the highest level. While addressing to us, you can count on our assistance and support and eventually get the results of high quality and reliability.

The Group's specialists will provide support in formation of an objective view of the market state, industry average indices, will exclude risks of data distortion and determine the object's value.

Valuation services of DELOVOY PROFIL Group

Our appraisal experts timely perform the following services:

  • business valuation;
  • financial modeling;
  • valuation of fair value for IFRS purposes;
  • revaluation of assets;
  • valuation of intangible assets and intellectual property;
  • valuation of stocks and other securities;
  • real estate appraisal;
  • appraisal of machinery and equipment;
  • determination of rental rates;
  • appraisal of investment projects;
  • examination of appraisal reports.

Following the results of this procedure, the client will be provided with a report compiled under the existing standards which will confirm information on the cost of the above objects for the management or third party. All actions are performed in accordance with the relevant legislation, as well as additional agreements (their terms) that the client and a third party may enter into between each other.

When valuation services are required

It should be remembered that the appraisal may be carried out on the initiative of the client, and can be mandatory, for example, in certain cases specified by law. Thus, valuation is required to be performed:

  • when lending or before transactions with securities or property;
  • when the property received as a gift or found during the inventory is being set on the accounting;
  • in case of the redemption of shares at the request of shareholders;
  • in the course of revaluation of fixed assets;
  • in case of the redemption of the shares by the person holding over 95% of the shares.

We also recommend our clients to carry out valuation in following cases:

  • making a sale and purchase transaction;

  • preparation of IFRS financial statements - assessment of fair value of assets is required for display in the statements;

  • justification of asset values for court and regulatory authorities;

  • attraction of investments.

We guarantee the quality of our services due to the high level requirements to qualification and depth of knowledge of our staff, as well as due to the established system of double-checking the quality of works performed by company's staff.

Moreover, we guarantee the confidentiality of any information that we make available to our experts, which is an important argument in favor of the decision to order the appraisal from our team.

You'll get advice
Julia Belogortseva
Partner of Investment consulting and valuation

Our benefits

We steadily hold a leading position at the market and are annually included in the lists of the largest audit and consulting companies according to the independent analytical agency RAEX data.

Over 25 years of success
One of the leading comanies, operating at the Russian audit and consulting market since 1995
In TOP-20
of the largest Russian audit organizations as of 2021, according to the rating agency "RAEX".
Quality Control
The Group has successfully passed the reviews, held by the Russian Federal Treasury and SRO "Audit Association Sodruzhestvo"
Professional liability insurance totals RUB 2.1 billion
Perfect calculation
We will prepare a proposal taking into account the specifics of your business
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