Forensic services | DELOVOY PROFIL Group | Fraud prevention
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Forensic: fraud prevention

"Forensic" is the independent financial investigation of the facts of theft, fraud, illegal withdrawal and misappropriation of assets as well as embezzlement of company's property and funds. Forensic services in recent years are becoming more and more popular way of business protection ensurance.

The main objective of "Forensic" specialists - to protect the business and preserve its reputation, timely identify illegal actions, collect evidences and bring offenders to responsibility within providing support in court proceeding.  

"Forensic" services of DELOVOY PROFIL Group make possible:

  • to identify timely unlawful acts capable to cause damage to business;
  • to conduct independent investigation;
  • to minimize risks of adverse effects;
  • to propose solutions in the field of further monitoring and prevention of unlawful acts in regard to organization.

"Forensic" is not only an efficient tool for detecting illegal actions, but also a system for increasing of business transparency and security.

The "Forensic" procedures will be useful also to ensure confidence in company's security in the following cases:

A major transaction or serious contract conducting, which are essential to your company's operation.

The use of intellectual property, know-how in production activities and need to strictly observe trade secrets.

The special Forensic team of DELOVOY PROFIL Group is formed of various directions’ principals – audit, HR, tax, financial and management consulting. This makes possible to identify all range of potential risks and to develop the effective protection system.

Diagnostic of fraud risks
Valuation of statement’s reliability
Analysis of economic activity in order to investigate transactions with the affiliated parties and backdated transactions
Valuation of statements in accordance with essential profit and loss statements, assets and liabilities
Analysis of personnel management system Risks, connected with the third parties
Analysis of forms of labor contracts with the top-managers and staff and job descriptions applied by the company Examination of applicants and staff (including information about education and career, disciplinary and other infractions, conflicts of interest, external factors, which have influence on applicant, reputational valuation, etc.)
Analysis of the commercial confidentiality’s security Collecting and analysis of business partners’ reputation data, contractors analysis, detection of deliberate bankruptcy
Detection of transactions with potentially affiliated parties including transactions of non-market conditions, detection of artificial transactions, valuation of damage which were caused by the fraud
Development of recommendations concerning creation of the system of fraud risks’ control, support of clients in litigations and other conflicts
Analysis of license (partnership) agreements concerning observance of terms, analysis of the customers’ and suppliers’ contracts
Corporate investigation Investigations in the field of constructing
Detection of dissipating of financial resources and assets Analysis of the project’s internal control system (SIC)
Detection of evidences of the assets’ unlawful use Valuation of over budget and terms of project implementation risks
Fraud investigation, assets’ unlawful embezzlement Cost audit ad hoc to identify fraud actions made by the project organizations, contract companies and own internal departments which participate in project implementation
Analysis of schemes of business, conducted activities, transactions in order to review their compliance of statutory regulations and internal rules Valuation of losses caused by ineffective expenditure of financial resources
Market analysis Development of individual schemes of prophylaxis and prevention of fraud
Market reviews At the request of client both the full range of «Forensic» services and separate blocks can be rendered.
Analysis of the company’s competitors
Assistance in company’s entry into the new segment/region
Investigations at the client’s request

"Forensic" services also include development of individual schemes of fraud prevention, in particular:

  • Development and correction of fraud risks management system;
  • Setting up or optimization of compliance-control system;
  • Development of system of combating of money laundering and sponsorship of terrorism.

We do not offer standard solutions and do not use template approaches, each investigation within the framework of the "Forensic" services is carried out with the respect of the specifics of your business and objectives.

You'll get advice
Anna Krysina
Deputy head of Financial consulting practice
Perfect calculation
We will prepare a proposal taking into account the specifics of your business
Tendering procedures
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We steadily hold a leading position at the market and are annually included in the lists of the largest audit and consulting companies according to the independent analytical agency RAEX data.

Over 25 years of success
One of the leading comanies, operating at the Russian audit and consulting market since 1995
In TOP-20
of the largest Russian audit organizations as of 2021, according to the rating agency "RAEX".
Quality Control
The Group has successfully passed the reviews, held by the Russian Federal Treasury and SRO "Audit Association Sodruzhestvo"
Professional liability insurance totals RUB 2.1 billion


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