Financail consulting | DELOVOY PROFIL Group
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The RAEX analytical agency has presented the results of «The largest Russian appraisal organizations» ranking. The Group was noted among the best ones in key areas of valuation.
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Management consulting practice experts suggest conducting the procurement process audit in order to neutralize financial risks and significantly increase the controllability and transparency of the supplier selection process.
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70 Vyatskaya st., Moscow, Russia, 127015
+7 (495) 740-16-01
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Financial consulting

Financial consulting

Financial consultants of DELOVOY PROFIL Group offer comprehensive approach to efficient financial management.

The purpose of financial consulting varies from one-shot consultation on separate financail management issues to developing of full-scale long-term financial strategy of you company.

Specialists will support you in analysis of the current financial system correctness, consult on options of its optimization, help in reservs identifying and cost reducing - everything you need to develop your business.

The list of services, provided by the Financial practice of DELOVOY PROFIL Group, include:

  • business review, comprehensive analysis of the company, including financail, management, tax and legal systems

  • cost review

  • asset and liability recognition

  • forensic services - corporate financial investigations, diagnostic of fraud risks 

  • development, analysis and optimization of intrenal control system

  • development and implementation of accounting policies

  • development and implementation of management accounting

  • HR audit

  • budgeting

Due to significant practical experience and efficient internal control system the Group's specialists carry out projects at a high quality level, using up-to-date methods. Membership in one of the largest international networks of auditors and business-consultants allows us to recieve the latest information on economical and legislative issues worldwide and to provide services internationally and individually with the respect of industrial and regional features of every company.

You'll get advice
Anna Krysina
Deputy head of Financial consulting practice

Our benefits

We steadily hold a leading position at the market and are annually included in the lists of the largest audit and consulting companies according to the independent analytical agency RAEX data.

Over 25 years of success
One of the leading comanies, operating at the Russian audit and consulting market since 1995
In TOP-20
of the largest Russian audit organizations as of 2021, according to the rating agency "RAEX".
Quality Control
The Group has successfully passed the reviews, held by the Russian Federal Treasury and SRO "Audit Association Sodruzhestvo"
Professional liability insurance totals RUB 2.1 billion
Perfect calculation
We will prepare a proposal taking into account the specifics of your business
Tendering procedures
We will be glad to take part in your contest
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