«The largest appraisal companies» RAEX rating: DELOVOY PROFIL GROUP is recognised among the market leaders – DELOVOY PROFIL Group news
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The RAEX analytical agency has presented the results of «The largest Russian appraisal organizations» ranking. The Group was noted among the best ones in key areas of valuation.
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«The largest appraisal companies» RAEX rating: DELOVOY PROFIL GROUP is recognised among the market leaders

«The largest appraisal companies» RAEX rating: DELOVOY PROFIL GROUP is recognised among the market leaders

August 31st, 2021
The RAEX analytical agency has presented the 17th edition of «The largest appraisal companies» ranking at the end of 2020. As the results of the study showed, the market demonstrated a significant decrease in growth rates and went into stagnation. Despite the record figure of total revenues (8.26 billion rubles), less than half of the rating participants ended the year with an increase in incomes. Experts called the indicator «the worst in the history of the ranking». They defined the general slowdown in the processes of customers due to the need to adapt to the new reality as one of the reasons. However, analysts expect a quick overcoming of stagnation and positive changes by the end of 2021.

Despite the difficult economic situation, DELOVOY PROFIL Group continued to steadily provide its clients with effective solutions and was noted among the leaders in key areas of appraisal activity:

  • the 12th place - evaluation for IFRS
  • the 14th place - evaluation of investment projects
  • the 17th place - evaluation of intangible assets and intellectual property
According to Yulia Belogortseva, Partner of Valuation and Investment consulting practice, the decline in market dynamics was foreseen against the backdrop of the pandemic consequences - many projects were postponed, budgets were revised to optimize costs. However, there were also directions, especially tempting for customers. Thus, the demand for financial and technical expertise has increased due to the need for more careful control of construction projects; financial modelling as an effective forecasting tool, as well as the evaluation of intangible assets, were the most sought-after among the representatives of the medical and IT industries.

«The pandemic has had a significant impact on the importance of intangible assets, which have taken an increasingly significant share in the total business capitalization over the past few years. In connection with the forced transition to online, many companies faced the question of correct work with intellectual property objects, - Yulia Belogortseva comments on the situation. - As a result, the customers' interest in services has grown. Meanwhile, support was also required in terms of the correctness of accounting, inventory of intangible assets, IP audit, legal aspects of IP protection. In response to the needs of our clients, we have formed a comprehensive offer in the field of Intellectual property management».

Valuation and Investment consulting practice experts actively monitor industry and general economic trends, introducing new technologies and developing methods to improve the quality of expert decisions. An individual approach is among the main principles of the Group. It lets transform the tools based on the client's tasks, the specifics of the industry, external and internal factors.

DELOVOY PROFIL Group has been providing professional services in the field of appraisal and Investment consulting for over 25 years. The practice's portfolio includes projects for the largest players in the domestic and foreign markets. The level of services quality meets the requirements of leading financial institutions such as Sberbank, VEB.RF, Inter RAO, AFK Sistema, RusHydro, etc.

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