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Cookie policy

Cookie policy

1. What is a cookie (cookies)?

Cookies are small text files or small pieces of data that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device (such as a smartphone or tablet) when you visit websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they were retrieved, the "expiry date" of the cookie (i.e. how long it will remain on your device) and a unique number generated at random.

2. What are cookies for?

We use cookies to make our website on the Internet at (the "Website") easier to use and to adapt the content of the Website to your preferences as a visitor to the Website (hereinafter also referred to as "User"). 

Websites are able to read and place cookies, which allows them to recognise the User and remember important information about the User to make the Sites easier to use (for example, by remembering preferred settings). Cookies may also be used to speed up your future experience on our Site. We also use cookies to record anonymous aggregate statistics that show how Users use our Site, which allows us to improve the structure and content of the Site. 

We cannot identify the identity of a User from this information.

3. What types of cookies do we use?

Session cookies

Temporary cookies that remain on your device until you leave the Site.

Persistent cookies

Remain on your device for an extended period of time or until you manually delete them (how long a cookie remains on your device will depend on the duration or "expiry date" of the particular cookie).

Essential Cookies

Cookies without which the proper functioning of the website will not be possible.

Functional cookies

These cookies allow us to improve your experience of the site, for example, by remembering selected settings.

Social networking cookies

These allow you to share content on social networks.

4. How do I handle cookies?

Although most Internet browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies, you can change your settings to block cookies or to alert you as a user when this type of cookie is sent to your device. You can also refuse, accept or delete cookies from the Site at any time by changing your browser settings. Please refer to the instructions on the official website of your browser to find out how to enable, disable or delete cookies. 

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you disable cookies, there is a possibility that not all features of our Site will be available. For example, while there is a corresponding feature on the Site, you may not be able to visit some parts of our Site and receive personalised information.

If you use different devices to view and access the Sites (e.g., your computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you should ensure that each browser on each device is configured according to the decision you have made regarding the handling of cookies. 

5. Web Beacons

Some pages on our Site may also collect information through the use of web beacons, which are short lines of code that allow you to place small images on a web page or in an email. This information may be shared with third parties who support our efforts to promote the Services we provide and develop the Site. The information collected through web beacons cannot be used to determine your identity, but it may be linked to your personal information.

Therefore, please note that web beacons and cookies do not contain personal data that establishes your identity, including your name or email address. However, they are used to collect and analyse part of the information about the User in order to improve the efficiency of the Site and optimise the provision of services to you, taking into account your preferences.

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