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The RAEX analytical agency has presented the results of «The largest Russian appraisal organizations» ranking. The Group was noted among the best ones in key areas of valuation.
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Management consulting practice experts suggest conducting the procurement process audit in order to neutralize financial risks and significantly increase the controllability and transparency of the supplier selection process.
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70 Vyatskaya st., Moscow, Russia, 127015
+7 (495) 740-16-01
Услуги и практики
Tax Related Services
Legal support
Audit according to RAS
IFRS services


By now our services have been used by several thousand Russian and foreign enterprises. Positive feedback from our clients is confirmed by long-term cooperation, as well as recommendations of new contractors. We highly appreciate our relationships with clients, constantly developing partnership and expanding our cooperation.

17 000+
projects completed
of repeat customer enquiries
You'll get advice
Alexandra Pashkevich
Leading marketing specialist of DELOVOY PROFIL Group
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Due diligence
Услуги в области МСФО
Применение мер господдержки
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