Expert Council of DELOVOY PROFIL Group
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The RAEX analytical agency has presented the results of «The largest Russian appraisal organizations» ranking. The Group was noted among the best ones in key areas of valuation.
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Management consulting practice experts suggest conducting the procurement process audit in order to neutralize financial risks and significantly increase the controllability and transparency of the supplier selection process.
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70 Vyatskaya st., Moscow, Russia, 127015
+7 (495) 740-16-01
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Expert Council

Expert Council

Expert Council of the Group - is an independent collegial body that provides methodic, methodological, organizational and professional support to project activities. The Expert Council has been operationg since 2005 and ensures the effectiveness of the quality control system of audit, consulting and valuation services in the company.

The Council consists of Partners and Heads of Practice, specialists in key areas of consulting with years of professional experience.

Aims and objectives of the Expert Council:

  • Development, analysis and coordination of corporate standards, instructions and methods
  • Coordination of complex projects implemented by the team of specialists from different practices
  • Definition of professional and qualification requirements for candidates
  • Developing a unified professional opinion on controversial and complex issues
  • Ensuring effective operation of the internal control system, development and implementation of new policies and procedures

Principles of work

  • Strict adherence to ethical and professional standards
  • Unbiased judgment and observation of independence principles
  • Focus on using reliable methods
  • Continuous monitoring and adaptation of best practices
  • Maintaining a high level of information security
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Kyra Kononova
Deputy head of Methodology department
Daria Perkovskaya
Partner for audit and consulting
Julia Belogortseva
Partner of Investment consulting and valuation
Alexander Silakov
Partner of Legal & Tax practice
Anna Krysina
Deputy head of Financial consulting practice
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