Corporate responsibility | DELOVOY PROFIL Group
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The RAEX analytical agency has presented the results of «The largest Russian appraisal organizations» ranking. The Group was noted among the best ones in key areas of valuation.
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Corporate responsibility

Corporate responsibility

The Group understands its responsibility to its customers, employees and partners. We take into account the interests of society and always strive to follow the principles of corporate responsibility by taking additional measures to improve the quality of life of employees, their families and society as a whole.


DELOVOY PROFIL Group's priority is to respect the rights and legitimate interests of its clients. We understand that our success is determined by ensuring the company's efficient operations to match the interests of our clients.

A high level of trust from our clients implies a serious responsibility, both collective and personal, so it is important for us to maintain and strengthen what has been achieved over the years by the whole team.

PJSC Gazprom
PJSC Gazprom is a global energy company. Its main activities are geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.
Ksenia Arkhipova
Senior partner

Corporate social responsibility is an important component of modern business, its creative function. At DELOVOY PROFIL Group it is expressed in commitment to corporate values, ethical standards of business conduct, respect for people, contribution to protection of future generations and preservation of the environment...

Kseniya Arhipova
Senior partner. CEO 

Corporate social responsibility is an important component of modern business, its creative function. At DELOVOY PROFIL Group it is expressed in commitment to corporate values, ethical standards of business conduct, respect for people, contribution to protection of future generations and preservation of the environment.

  • Our responsibility to clients is expressed in a comprehensive approach, because we understand that the main goal of our clients is to get a ready solution for effective business development. Within the projects we strive to solve all issues, forming a team of qualified specialists from all areas of consulting.
  • Our responsibility to society is constantly work to improve the quality of our service, expanding the range of services through rapid response to market needs.
  • Our responsibility to employees is contribution to the professional and personal development of our team.
  • Our responsibility to the world is continuously participation in social projects.

Our approach to conducting our business is reflected in the values and mission that each and every employee shares.

Our mission

Individual approach to unlocking of business opportunities and provision of effective solutions in a changing economic environment due to high competence and years of experience in the field of professional services.

Our values

Behind each of our achievements there is a reliable team formed of qualified specialists.
We place high demands on the quality and timing of our work.
We strive for continuous growth, using all opportunities for this.
Progressive vision
We seek, accept and adapt the best practices.
Reputation is the greatest value of the company and the guarantee of its future.
We highly appreciate the trust of our clients, partners and colleagues and do our best to protect confidential information.
We are for rational use of natural resources and careful attitude towards nature.


The management of the Company manages the activities of the audit and consulting group DELOVOY PROFIL in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Russian Federation, provisions of the organization charter, as well as contracts and agreements concluded.

Management assumes responsibility not to take actions that may lead to a conflict of interest between the company and its clients, to work for a common goal, to help and trust colleagues, to interact and coordinate their work, and to resolve conflicts constructively.

Management understands and shares the responsibility it has not only for itself, but also for those people who work nearby.

Anti-Corruption Act compliance policy

DELOVOY PROFIL Group's management acceptы responsibility for compliance with Federal Anti-Corruption Act and confirms that all the audit projects' are carried out in accordance with the current anti-corruption legislation.

Principles and procedures of internal control system for corruption combating are set up by corporate regulations and recommendations for corruption combating in audit reviews.


DELOVOY PROFIL Group pays considerable attention to the development of professional and personal qualities of each team member, every of which embodies the professionalism and reliability of the company. High quality standards require appropriate behavior of each employee.

It is important for us not to stand still, we strive to learn new areas of work, to create an atmosphere conducive to development.
You'll get advice
Violetta Kuznecova
Deputy head of HR Department
If you have witnessed a violation of the principles for conduct by any of our employees, please report us.


Health and Safety

We consider the health and safety of our employees to be our core corporate value and therefore we make every effort to identify, assess and reduce potential health and safety risks.
We recognize our responsibility to protect the environment and strive to develop our business without compromising the interests of future generations.
We comply with all applicable laws and operate in strict compliance with regulations and professional standards. We maintain proper business records and reports. We work with integrity.
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