Ratings and awards | DELOVOY PROFIL Group
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The RAEX analytical agency has presented the results of «The largest Russian appraisal organizations» ranking. The Group was noted among the best ones in key areas of valuation.
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Ratings and awards

Ratings and awards

According to RAEX analytical agency over the past 10 years the Group has been included in the list of the largest auditing and consulting companies in Russia.
In 2020 DELOVOY PROFIL Group is recognized as recommended firm in the field of Tax Law  in accordance with Pravo.ru-300 rating data.
Annually DELOVOY PROFILE Group becomes the winner of the contest "VALUATION LEADERS". In 2019 - in the category "Professionalism and team experience".
DELOVOY PROFIL Group is among the leaders in the World TP ranking as one of the best transfer pricing consultants in Russia (3 tier).
In 2016 DELOVOY PROFILE Group was awarded the prize "Time for Innovation" in the category "Innovation Leader in the Valuation Industry. In 2014 - in the nomination "For development of innovation direction in the valuation industry".
In 2015 and 2014 DELOVOY PROFILE Group became the laureate of the "Golden Phoenix" Prize in the nomination "The best valuation company".
In 2012 DELOVOY PROFILE Group became the Winner of the IV annual prize "Financial and Economic Olympus-2012".
In 2013 DELOVOY PROFILE Group became a laureate of the International Economic Competition "Best Company 2013" in the nomination "Valuation Services".
In 2011 DELOVOY PROFILE Group was recognized as the Winner of the VII Consolidated Final Award in the field of finance "FINANCIAL ELITE OF RUSSIA" in the category "Development Dynamics".
2022 year

Kommersant "Leaders of legal services market"

Federal ranking. Leading legal practice in Mergers & Acquisitions of international assets (Mid-market)
Manufacturing industry: consulting for the leaders of industry
Retail and trade, FMCG: consulting for the leaders of retail and trade

RAEX Rating

List of the largest audit organizations
List of the largest consulting groups

Separate consulting areas

Tax Consulting
IT consulting for management
Marketing and PR Consulting
Legal Consulting
HR Consulting
Strategic Consulting

Financial Consulting

Valuation services
Valuation services
2021 year

Kommersant "Leaders of legal services market"

Manufacturing industry: consulting for the leaders of industry
Retail and trade, FMCG: consulting for the leaders of retail and trade

RAEX Rating

List of the largest audit organizations
List of the largest consulting groups
Marketing and PR Consulting
IT consulting for management
Tax Consulting
Legal Consulting
Strategic Consulting
Valuation services

Financial Consulting

World Transfer Pricing и World Tax Ratings

Transfer Pricing
2020 year

Pravo.ru-300 Rating

Tax law in category of Tax consulting
Recommended firm

RAEX Rating

List of the largest audit organizations
List of the largest consulting groups
Marketing and PR Consulting
Tax Consulting
IT consulting for management
Legal Consulting
Valuation services
Financial Consulting

2019 year
List of the largest audit organizations
Marketing and PR Consulting
Tax Consulting
Legal Consulting
Valuation services
Financial Consulting

You'll get advice
Alexandra Pashkevich
Leading marketing specialist of DELOVOY PROFIL Group
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